We are happy to announce the 18th anniversary from the production of the first PVC window and cooperation with the Trocal (Profine Group).

Back in 1995, the first contacts were made with the manufacturer of PVC profiles TROCAL, on which occasion a meeting was arranged on December 7, 1995. in Zagreb, which was attended by a representative of Trocal Heinz Doppler and Mustafa Herceg, co-owner of Herceg Srebrenik.

18th anniversity
18th Anniversary Of The Production Of The First Pvc Window

On that occasion, cooperation was agreed between the companies Trocal and Herceg, which has had a significant impact on the development and market position of these two companies for the past 18 years.
Today, when we celebrate the coming of age of cooperation, we proudly point out that Trocal, currently Profine Group is a leader in the market of PVC profiles and Herceg a leader in the production of PVC windows and doors in the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the surrounding area.

This important date was celebrated, which was attended by representatives of the companies PROFINE and HERCEG. In their address to the audience, the representatives of the companies Profine and Herceg pointed out that in the past period there were many beautiful but also difficult moments in joint business, but also that they are proud that together they overcame all the challenges set upon them.

The fact is that without a good supplier there is no good producer and also without a good producer / buyer there is no good supplier.

After looking back at the past, they agreed that the “puberty” of cooperation had come of age, which for future periods gives everyone the task to apply everything they have learned in the past 18 years and continue to build successful cooperation between the two companies on an even higher level.
